Walchia piniformis
W. cortice aculeis subulatis armato, ramis diversae magnitudinis, forma tamen speciei praecedenti similibus.
W. cortice aculeis subulatis armato, ramis diversae magnitudinis, forma tamen speciei praecedenti similibus.
compressions of shoots of two kinds bearing helically arranged simple to multifid leaves; shoots without ovules with densely packed acute-to-round-tipped bifid leaves occasionally appearing in whorls. Leaves with abaxial elongate epidermal cells and adaxial papillae. Leaf margin with small inconspicuous trichomes. Ovule bearing shoots with simple, bifid, and multifid leaves. Simple rounded leaves subtending orthotropous ovules with 180° rotational symmetry. Ovule with prominent apical integumentary extensions, longitudinally oriented striations, and a prominent basal disk.
woody vegetative shoots with irregular branching, bearing helically arranged polymorphic, simple, bifid and multifid leaves. Leavesclosely arranged on ultimate and penultimate branches, more distantly spaced on anti penultimate branches and absent from largest stems. Stem surface on apparently decorticated stems rugose with thick cuticle and round to tangentially oriented oval branch scars and longitudinally disposed subtle wavy ridges. Corticated stems with persistent bifid leaves.
Morphotaxon of woody coniferophyte vegetative shoots with irregular branching, bearing helically arranged polymorphic, simple, bifid and multifid leaves. Leaves closely arranged on ultimate and penultimate branches , more distantly spaced on antipenultimate branches and absent from largest stems. Stem surface rugose with thick cuticle and round to tangentially oriented oval branch scars, longitudinally disposed subtle wavy ridges on apparently decorticated stem surfaces.
Shoots woody, irregularly branched, branches bearing leaves in lax or crowded spirals. Wood pycnoxylic. Leaves linear or cuneate, only slightly spreading, simple, forked or multifid, trifacial or bifacial, leaves or leaf segments with a median vein mesophyll in transverse plates. Leaf base decurrent. Stomata haplocheilic, monocyclic or partly amphicyclic. Fertile parts of shoots bearing laterally attached solitary stalked ovules. Ovule anatropous, platyspermic. Body of seed oval with two prominent lateral carineae in principal plane and two low ridges in secondary plane.
S. fructo samaroideo alato cordato infra bidornutu apice profunde insico monospermo. semine in medio sito oblongo lanceolato basi abtuso apice acuto.
Fructus samaroideus membranaceus, compressus, margine alatus monospermus
Presumed main axis leafy at younger stage. Lateral shoot syst ems pinnat ely branched, consisting of a penultimate branch with two lateral series of parallel ultimate branches situated in one plane. Tripinnate shoot systems may also occur. Leaves bifacial, spirally arranged, sometimes heterophyllous.
Penultimate branchs ca. 31 cm long with longest branches in midregions of plagiotropic system; ultimate branches with simple leaves range 5.5–10 cm long. Penultimate stems 2.5–8 mm wide, ultimate stems 0.5–2.1 mm wide at base; sclerotic nests in pith. Large multiseriate branched trichomes and trichome bases on stem cuticles. Forked penultimate leaves 14.0–30 mm long; simple ultimate leaves 4.0–21 mm long, straight or bent gently toward shoot apex. Stomatal rows of various lengths. Leaf surfaces with marginal trichomes; simple and multiseriate surficial trichomes.
Small conifer plants with two orders of determinate plagiotropic lateral branches; forked leaves on penultimate branches and simple, needle-like leaves on ultimate branches. Stems eustelic with parenchymatous pith, endarch primary xylem, abundant dense wood, and narrow zone of periderm in parenchymatous cortex. Leaves amphistomatic with parallel rows of stomata and single vascular bundle. Compound ovulate cones/fertile zones on penultimate shoots, bearing helically arranged forked bracts and axillary ovuliferous dwarf shoots. Bract and dwarf shoots fused at base, separate distally.