Hanskerpia hamiltonensis Rothwell, Mapes & Hernandez-Castillo, sp. nov.

nomenclatorial act: 
protologue/first publication

Penultimate branchs ca. 31 cm long with longest branches in midregions of plagiotropic system; ultimate branches with simple leaves range 5.5–10 cm long. Penultimate stems 2.5–8 mm wide, ultimate stems 0.5–2.1 mm wide at base; sclerotic nests in pith. Large multiseriate branched trichomes and trichome bases on stem cuticles. Forked penultimate leaves 14.0–30 mm long; simple ultimate leaves 4.0–21 mm long, straight or bent gently toward shoot apex. Stomatal rows of various lengths. Leaf surfaces with marginal trichomes; simple and multiseriate surficial trichomes. Hypodermis present beneath both leaf surfaces. Ovulate cone/fertile zone cylindrical, at least 11 cm long, 2.7 cm wide. Ovules 6.7–7 mm long, 3–5.8 mm in major plane, 1.9–3.4 mm in minor plane, with coarse trichomes.

Holotype. — Penultimate leafy shoot that terminates in an ovulate cone. Specimen M1620, Figs. 7–9 (OUPH No. 16,244–16,246; 16,250–16,515). Paratypes. — M488, anatomically preserved leafy penultimate branch showing stem and leaf morphology, anatomy, and cuticular features, Figs. 4A, 6B (OUPH No. 16,238; 16,248; 16,538–16,597); M1081, anatomically preserved leafy penultimate branch showing morphology, anatomy, and cuticular features, Fig. 1C, (OUPH No. 16,613–16,657); M1314, anatomically preserved leafy penultimate branch showing anatomy and cuticular features, Figs. 4B–4F, 5D (OUPH No. 16,239–16,243; 16,667–16,693); M1337, plagiotropic leafy lateral branch system, Fig. 1B (OUPH No. 16,231;16,694–16,699); M2339, plagiotropic leafy lateral branch system, Fig. 1A (OUPH No. 16,230).

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