Small conifer plants with two orders of determinate plagiotropic lateral branches; forked leaves on penultimate branches and simple, needle-like leaves on ultimate branches. Stems eustelic with parenchymatous pith, endarch primary xylem, abundant dense wood, and narrow zone of periderm in parenchymatous cortex. Leaves amphistomatic with parallel rows of stomata and single vascular bundle. Compound ovulate cones/fertile zones on penultimate shoots, bearing helically arranged forked bracts and axillary ovuliferous dwarf shoots. Bract and dwarf shoots fused at base, separate distally. Bilaterally symmetrical ovuliferous dwarf shoots somewhat flattened, bearing one to two narrow sporophylls interspersed among numerous sterile scales. Megasporophylls recurved at apex, each terminated by inverted ovule with 180° rotational symmetry. Pollen cones unknown. Prepollen monosaccate.
Hanskerpia Rothwell, Mapes & Hernandez-Castillo gen. nov.
nomenclatorial act:
protologue/first publication
systematic position:
Class: Coniferopsida; Order: Voltziales; Family: Emporiaceae Mapes & Rothwell
Type: Hanskerpia hamiltonensis sp. nov. Rothwell, Mapes & Hernandez-Castillo
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