Fruits comprimés, lenticulaires, cordiformes ou réniformes, terminés par une pointe peu aiguë.
Fruits comprimés, lenticulaires, cordiformes ou réniformes, terminés par une pointe peu aiguë.
Seed triangular, about 6-10 mm. long, with a broad apex, and two wellmarked horns at the angles of the apex. A median ridge extending from the apex to base is prominent on most specimens. Testa smooth.
The species now represented, occurs, occasionally in the shale, and always, or, at least, most commonly, in groupes; as is the case in the present instance. This circumstance makes it probable that they were clustered together when they were growing on the plant and that they were either deposited where they grew or that they had been drifted but a short distance. Each grain is lenticular always acute at one end and sometimes so at the other, but more generally obtuse. The acute end (d) appears to have been the apex and the obtuse end the base.
Seed small, not winged, triangular in shape, the apex of the triangle being directed downwards and ending in a short stalk, one side of the triangle forming the broad apex of the seed. Two well-marked horns project from the angles of the apex. A median ridge may occur.
Cone at least 24 mm long and 31 mm wide (measured from bract tips) with primary axis at least 3.5 mm wide proximally and tapering gradually distally. Bract/ovuliferous dwarf-shoot complexes arising helica lly from the primary axis at angles of 45-60°. Bracts long with proximal portion broad and curved in cross section with two small triangular shaped lateral extensions pointing upwards and outwards, slightly longer than wide. Distal portion of bract lanceolate. Proximal bracts longer than those situated distally.
Compound ovulate cone consisting of a slender primary axis with helically arranged bract /ovuliferous dwarf-shoot complexes. Basal portion
of bracts broad with lateral extensions curving upwards and outwards. Bracts distally lanceolate with axillary ovuliferous dwarf-shoot. Dwarf-shoot with helically arranged sterile scales and at least one ovule.
Caulis simplex? foliis alternis linearibus, enervibus, sessilibus, non vaginantibus, foliolis duobus minoribus (stipulis), linearibus, quadruplò brevioribus, basi stipatis. Inflorescentia spicata; spica ovata, floribus numerosis, tubo (vel ovaria infero) subcylindrico, perianthio bi-labiato? laciniis subulatis.
La présence de deux sortes de stipules à la base des feuilles de cette plante, me semble la distinguer de toutes les Monocotylédones connues, et cependant la forme de ses feuilles, la disposition et la structure de ses fleurs, paraissent bien la placer dans cette classe; la forme des fleurs et leur mode d'inflorescence rappellent cells des Orchidées, mais leurs caractères sont trop vagues pour qu'on puisse établir une comparaison rigoureuse entre ces plantes et notre espèce fossile.
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