Welwitschiaceae Markgr. 1926
Ovulate cones: Dense strobili with ca. 50 pairs of decussate bracteoles each subtending a simple cone ('flower'); ovules terminal on simple cone, surrounded by two fused inner bracts and sometimes two transverse outer bracts; seeds with two prominent wings formed by the inner pair (chlamys) of bracts.
Male cones: Similar to female cones, dense with ca. 30 pairs of decussate bracteoles each subtending a simple cone; simple cones terminal, with a sterile ovule surrounded by a synangiophore with 6 stalked synangia; both structures basal with two pairs of bracts, the inner pair (chlamys) sheathe the ovule and synangiophore until pollination; synangia tri- or tetrasporangiate; pollen without air-bladders.
Foliage: Plants with only two large, elongate leaves, persistent throughout the entire lengthy lifespan, deeply dissected.