Cornucarpus gen. nova.

nomenclatorial act: 
protologue/first publication

Seed small, not winged, triangular in shape, the apex of the triangle being directed downwards and ending in a short stalk, one side of the triangle forming the broad apex of the seed. Two well-marked horns project from the angles of the apex. A median ridge may occur.

systematic position: 
[p. 88]: There is considerable evidence for believing it to be the seed of Eremopteris artemisiaeformis, Sternb., but it has not yet been possible to demonstrate actual continuity between this seed and the fertile fronds of that species.
Type Cardiocarpus acutus, Lindley and Hutton, 'Foss. Flora,' vol. i, p. 209, Pl. LXXVI, 1833.

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