woody vegetative shoots with irregular branching, bearing helically arranged polymorphic, simple, bifid and multifid leaves. Leavesclosely arranged on ultimate and penultimate branches, more distantly spaced on anti penultimate branches and absent from largest stems. Stem surface on apparently decorticated stems rugose with thick cuticle and round to tangentially oriented oval branch scars and longitudinally disposed subtle wavy ridges. Corticated stems with persistent bifid leaves. Leaves decurrent and broadly attached, with one to eight dichotomizing veins, each vein forming an adaxial ridge and terminating in an obtuse to narrowly acute point. Simple leaves 4-16 mm long and 0.2-2.2 mm wide , lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate to cordate; bifid leaves 4-13 mm long and 0.5-4.0 mm wide, obovate to lanceolate with short teeth or more deeply dissected with spreading tips; multifid leaves 5-25 mm long and 2.0-6.1 mm wide, deltoid-cuneate with serrate distal margin or more deeply dissected with multiple tips. Lateral leaf margins with unequally distributed trichomes that are more densely arranged near leaf bases. Leaves epistomatic; relat ively smooth abaxial surface consisting of longitudinally elongated cells with smooth margins and transverse-oblique end walls. Adaxial surface papillate with irregularly oriented stomata in wide bands; smooth rectangular cells occur between bands and near lateral margins. Haploche ilic, monocyclic or incompletely monocyclic stomatal complexes round to oval and axially elongate with four to seven subsidiary cells; overarching papillae more-or-less developed on subsidiary cells. Dense wood of narrow tracheids with mostly uniseriate, circular-to-oval bordered pits with oval apertures on radial walls ; uniseriate rays one to three cells high. Shoots with helically arranged leaves bearing randomly interspersed ovules. Ovules with 180° rotational symmetry up to 4.5 mm long and 3.5 mm wide with prominent bifid apex, longitudinal str iations, and conspicuous basal disk. Ovule orientation orthotropous, attached to leafy shoot by simple slender stalk.
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