Dicranophyllum hallei Remy & Remy

nomenclatorial act: 
subsequent publication

A reconstruction of this plant shows slender, unbranched, densely spaced leafy shoots 1.5 - 2.00 m heigh. Their needle-shaped leaves are very large (up to 30 cm long), bifurcated, single veined, and are decurrent on helically arranged, closely spaced leaf cushions. Dried leaves in hte lower part of the shoots remain attached with their bases to the stems. The plant was monoecious and caulifloral, axially cones consist of spirally arranged bracts, different in shape and size. Female cones have bifurcated bracts, internal structures of cones and the pollen respectively prepollen in situ are not known. Platyspermic seeds are broadly winged and bicornute, dispersely known as Samaropsis ulmiformis Göppert. Stems are comprised of a very large pith, a narrow xylem with centripetal stripes (?bands of sklerenchyma or protoxylem strands) and have a cortex with prominent leaf cushions (nearly square, with a scar of leaf trace only). heterogenous roots are hierarchically branched three times.

systematic position: 
Gymnosperms, Dicranophyllales

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