Shoots bearing spirally arranged bifacial leaves, not or slightly
overlapping, arising at an angle of 45°-90° , straight; shape ovate or (narrow)
triangular, apex obtuse (especially in smaller leaves) to acute. Observed length
4-12 mm, width up to 4mm. Leave base cushions rhomboid, slightly decurrent and,
so far as observed, completely covering the axes.
Shape and dimensions of ovuliferous cones unknown. Bract rhomboid, apex
acute, up to 10 mm long, 6mm wide. Ovuliferous dwarfshoot flattened,
approximately 7 mm long, 8 mm wide, provided with two sterile and three fertile
scales (one median and two lateral) showing between middle and basal part of
their abaxial surface a place of ovule attachment more or less arranged in one
plane and often distally bordered by a protuberance. Shape of sterile scales
narrow triangular with acute apex, shape of fertile scales obovate with truncate,
even concave apex. Fertile and sterile scales considerably connate; basal part of
dwarf-shoot stalk-like; short stalk indicating partial fusion with bract.
Associated seeds ovate, seed axis straight, basal area broad,
approximately 6 mm long, 6 mm wide; micropylar area obtuse.
Epidermis of leaves, bracts and scales amphistomatic; basal part of
bract and dwarfshoot non-stomatiferous; marginal stomatafree zone present on
bracts, approximately 1 mm wide. Frequency of stomata/mm² ranging from 60-75,
measured halfway along the abaxial leaf surfaces, on adaxial surface frequency of
stomata higher. Stomata arranged in simple longitudinal rows; adjacent stomatal
complexes frequent, sometimes sharing a subsidiary cell. Distance of stomatal
rows 3-4 epidermal cells. On small leaves arrangement in rows less obvious.
Stomatal complex approximately 65 µm in diameter, monocyclic, slightly
sunken. Guard cells sunken, longitudinally or obliquely orientated. 4-9
subsidiary cells, trapezoid, proximal half thickened, forming an outwards
bulging ring. Inner part of subsidiary cells forming a moderately deep pit,
bearing solid papillae on the rim, converging over and often completely covering
the stomatal aperture. Subsidiary cells as strong as or slightly more cutinized
than epidermal cells. Distal wall of subsidiary cells thickened, convex,
slightly overlapping epidermal cells. Mean number of subsidiary cells per
stomatal complex, measured on a single surface ranging from 6-6.6, on adaxial surfaces
this number is smaller.
Epidermal cells isodiametric-quadrangular, in stomata-free zones between
rows sometimes slightly rectangular or irregular stretched, shorter on adaxial
surfaces of leaves. Epidermal cells rarely provided with solid papillae. Anticlinal
walls straight, thickened in stomatal rows and approximately 5 µm thick.
Margin slightly scarious, on bracts, scales and basal part of leaves
Cuticle thick. Hypodermis on leaves and bracts weak; stronger developed
on scales of fertile dwarf-shoots.
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