Vegetative shoots with helically arranged leaves. Branching patterns not known. Leaves linear to narrow oblanceolate with optuse apex. Ovuliferous cone compound with bract-dwarf shoot complexes helically arranged around axis. Bract linear with obtuse apex. Dwarf shoots bilaterally symmetrical, longer than wide, with five partially fused ovate scales; one larger median scale, two fertile lateral scales, and two sterile scales at intermediate positions. Ovules attached basally on abaxial surface of the fertile scales. Dwarf shoot base stalklike, partially fused with bract. Seeds and ovules flattened, rhomboidal. Polliniferous cone not known. Epidermal surface of leaves and dwarf shoots amphistomatic, stomatal complexes scattered, infrequent within short rows. Stomatal complexes monocyclic with three to eight subsidiary cells. Epidermal cells large.
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