Florin, 1934 emend. Clement-Westerhof, 1984
Type species: Ernestiodendron filiciforme (Sternberg, 1825) Florin 1934
Type species: Ernestiodendron filiciforme (Sternberg, 1825) Florin 1934
Presumed main axis leafy at younger stage. Lateral shoot syst ems pinnat ely branched, consisting of a penultimate branch with two lateral series of parallel ultimate branches situated in one plane. Tripinnate shoot systems may also occur. Leaves bifacial, spirally arranged, sometimes heterophyllous.
Voltzialean plants with compact ovulate cones bearing bilateral bract-scale complexes; sterile bracts free, simple or forked; ovuliferous dwarf shoots with 10-30 sterile scales and one or more broad, flattened fertile scales; ovules one per fertile scale, laterally attached, inverted (adapted from Clement-Westerhof 1988; Mapes & Rothwell 1991)